Facebook Offline Events

Integrate your calls with Facebook Ads.


Facebook Offline Events is a perfect fit with your call tracking events to tie your online Facebook Ads to your offline conversions. Call Tracker’s Facebook Offline Events Integration enables your offline contact events from your call tracking numbers to be synced with your Facebook Ads and Audiences. You’ll be able to leverage the events for tracking conversions from your Facebook Ads and creating custom audiences for retargeting people who have contacted your business.

Benefits of Our Facebook Offline Events Integration
  • Track Calls and SMS Messages as Offline Events - Our Facebook Offline Events Integration sends both call and sms events to Facebook as contact events to levergate in your Ad sets.
  • Create Custom Lookalike Audiences to Scale your Facebook Ads - using your call tracking Offline Events set you can create a custom audience to optimize your campaign to drive new leads or retarget your past conversions.
  • Facebook will optimize your ads for offline conversions - when you're able to track offline conversions for your Facebook Ads, you're able to optimize your campaigns that deliver higher conversion rates for these offline events.

What Are Facebook Offline Events?

Although Facebook pixel drastically altered how advertisers track traffic conversion data, it still couldn’t reveal if their Facebook advertising resulted in sales or qualified leads.

For example, suppose customers come across your Facebook ad and come into your physical retail store to make a purchase. How will you then prove that ROI?

To improve offline event data, a powerful offline conversion tool was implemented into the Facebook advertising platform.

Facebook Offline Events revolutionized how we optimize and track offline events that aren’t recorded by Facebook pixel.

Essentially, offline conversion measurement on Facebook allows advertisers to track when transactions occur offline, either on other offline channels, like phone calls or in your physical retail store.

Facebook offline conversions occur after people see or engage with your Facebook ad, so such offline conversions should still be attributed to your Facebook campaigns.

What This Means For Marketers

Being able to track offline conversions greatly benefits any business that seems to have a void in their conversion tracking because sales don’t always occur online, where Facebook recognizes and tracks them.

Offline events data is very valuable for a business ads manager to optimize their Facebook ad campaigns and improve the accuracy of their sales data.

If offline conversions cannot be tracked efficiently, it is very challenging for a business manager to identify which ads from Facebook are actually driving offline purchases and generating business.

Consider the following examples to grasp the application significance of tracking offline conversions:

  • You’re the owner of a brick-and-mortar store trying to increase your number of in-store purchases and foot traffic with a Facebook ad.

  • If your sales team executes phone or email conversations with potential customers, tracking their purchase back to a particular Facebook ad will be difficult.

  • If you trade both on- and offline, it is difficult to attribute offline purchases to a Facebook ad. Many people see an ad and decide to purchase the product in-store, so how would a business manager know the lead came from the ad?

  • Suppose you’re advertising a service, like consulting or coaching, to motivate customers to call your business. This offline data is challenging to track.

Learn more about setting up the Facebook Offline Events integration with your account here.

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